Saturday, August 11, 2012

A "Tech-cation" for Meatlessly :)

Hello everyone! I just wanted to take a quick moment to chime out to my friends and family here at Meatlessly. I haven't posted in awhile. I've been taking a "tech-cation" (technology vacation). I needed to take some time and really focus my attentions on some other important areas of my life. And to really do that it meant
staying off Facebook, Twitter, blogging and the Internet in general.

If you've never done one I'd highly suggests it. It's like a juice cleanse for your mind and spirit. It can give you the opportunity to slow down a bit and tune into some of the core areas of your life. Like; family, friends, finances, getting organized, etc etc.

I will be back to blogging about Meatlessly Mouthwatering food very soon. Thank you all for your interest and support. And for being patient and hanging in there while I was away.

On a side note: I'd love to have some of you share your wonderful recipes here at Meatlessly. So if you are interested please contact me at

1 comment:

  1. Hope you're having fun! I've just got back from a 2 week tech-cation and I'm now catching up on everything I've missed!
